EFFECTIVE PERIOD: 2018/07/01 - 2022/06/30

Letter of Understanding

The St. James-Assiniboia School Division
The St. James-Assiniboia Teachers' Association
Re: Article 4.07 Administrative Salary & Employee #12102

PURSUANT to discussions between the Division and the Association:


IT IS AGREED by both parties that, effective September 6, 2022:

Employee #12102's administrative salary will be maintained as a Principal of a School with a weighted enrolment pupil count of 251-500, including any negotiated increases, until they are appointed to an equivalent principalship in the future or until such time as the Provincial Teacher Collective Agreement provides for a different administrative allowance/salary formula.

It is agreed that any change to this employee's administrative salary resulting in an increased administrative salary will change at the beginning of the following school year from when the provincial teacher collective agreement is ratified. Should this employee's administrative salary be decreased as a result of a new provincial administrative allowance/salary formula, the parties agree to red circle the rate as of the date of ratification for a period of time until the employee turns the age of 60 as per the current collective agreement article 4.07 c) 1) d).

Dated at St. James-Assiniboia the 30th day of June 2022.

Signed and agreed on behalf of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division:


Chair                                                                         Secretary-Treasurer/CFO


Signed and agreed on behalf of the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers’ Association



President                                                                  Secretary