EFFECTIVE PERIOD: 2014/08/31 - 2018/06/30 (EXPIRED)


i. The Manitoba Teachers' Society Membership fees shall be deducted from every teacher.

ii. The Provincial fees shall be deducted in ten (10) equal monthly payments, beginning in September of each year, according to the scale of fees established by the Manitoba Teachers' Society, and shall be forwarded to the Society monthly.

iii The Whiteshell Teachers' Association (local) fees shall be deducted in one (1) payment at the end of October, for all full and part-time teachers hired on contract, according to a scale of fees established by The Local Association, and remitted to the Whiteshell Teachers' Association. For teachers hired on contract during the school year their W. T. A. fees will be collected, prorata, at the end of their first month of employment.

iv. The Local Association shall indemnify and save harmless The District from any and all loses, costs, liabilities or expenses suffered or sustained by The District as a result of any claim or legal action arising from the deduction of local Association fees or Manitoba Teachers’ Society fees.