EFFECTIVE PERIOD: 2014/07/01 - 2018/06/30 (EXPIRED)


7.02 Team Leaders

a)    Team Leaders at the Junior High/Middle Years Schools may be appointed in any grade level and/or program area.  The Team Leader Allowance will be calculated as follows:

Fall Term 2014 $2,226 base plus $157 per FTE teacher on the team.
Fall Term 2015 $2,270 base plus $160 per FTE teacher on the team.
Fall Term 2016 $2,316 base plus $163 per FTE teacher on the team.
Fall Term 2017 $2,350 base plus $166 per FTE teacher on the team.
Fall Term 2018 $2,386 base plus $168 per FTE teacher on the team.

For the purpose of this article:

1.    A school’s total FTE shall be defined as the total teaching staff, excluding the administrator(s) and appointed team leaders.

2.    Each FTE will be assigned to only one team.

3.    After the total FTE has been calculated, a partial FTE of less than 2/3 will not be counted; a partial FTE of 2/3 or greater will count as 1.

4.    The position of team leader will be a term position of not more than three years, the length of the term to be determined by the Superintendent in consultation with the principal.  At the end of this term, the position will be bulletined.