EFFECTIVE PERIOD: 2014/07/01 - 2018/06/30 (EXPIRED)


4.02 Administrative Allowance for Schools Without Vice-Principals

Where a teacher is appointed by the Superintendent to act as an acting principal in the absence of the Principal, or when the Principal and Vice-Principal are both absent at the same time and a teacher is appointed, an allowance shall be paid to that teacher at the rate of $2.97 per day per teacher, not including the Principal or Vice-Principal, to a maximum of $47.33 per day, effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2014; at the rate of $3.03 per day per teacher, not including the Principal or Vice-Principal, to a maximum of $48.27 per day, effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2015; at the rate of $3.09 per day per teacher, not including the Principal or Vice-Principal, to a maximum of $49.24 per day, effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2016; at the rate of $3.13 per day per teacher, not including the Principal or Vice-Principal, to a maximum of $49.98 per day, effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2017; and at the rate of $3.18 per day per teacher, not including the Principal or Vice-Principal, to a maximum of $50.73 per day, effective the first day of January, 2018.