EFFECTIVE PERIOD: 2014/07/01 - 2018/06/30 (EXPIRED)


3.03 Change in Classification

The onus is on the teacher to give notice to the Division after earning credits which result in a change of classification. When increased qualifications are obtained which qualify a teacher for an advance in classification on the Salary Schedule, the resulting increase in salary shall become effective on the first day of the Fall Term of the year in which such improved qualifications have been obtained, providing proof of improved qualifications from Manitoba Education is submitted to the Division by November 1st of that year. When proof of improved qualifications is submitted to the Division after November 1st, the change in classification shall be effective in the month in which confirmation is provided from Manitoba Education. The method of moving on the Salary Schedule shall be that the teacher will be placed at the same step of the schedule on which he/she had been placed in the previous classification.